Sunday, December 16, 2018

DoP Internet Banking has been launched on 14/12/2018

DoP Internet Banking has been launched on 14/12/2018

Following steps should be followed for activating DoP Internet Banking:

  • Get request from customer in the prescribed pre-printed form.
  • Use CMRC menu, Modify CIF and fill all mandatory fields : Mobile no, email id, DOB, PAN and mother's maiden name.
  • Click on enable Net banking, submit & verify.
  • If photo and signature are not available, get fresh KYC form.
  • Customer will get SMS after 24 hours with an internet banking link.
  • Customer can activate DoP Internet banking using the provided link with his CIF ID and Account ID.


  1. Click New Activation.
  2. Customer ID is CIF ID
  3. Account ID is SB A/C No.
  4. Click submit. 
  5. Customer will receive an OTP on registered mobile number for activating Internet Banking.
  6. Default USER ID is CIF ID.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Funding in SSA account opened through RICT device

After opening the account in CPPFAO menu by putting RICT Unique ID and BO code in respective field and verify.

Execute : CPDTM Command

Add> Bank Transfer> Normal Contribution > GO

Account No (Cr): New Account no.

Amount: write amount

RICT Unique No: Put the Ref no here

Account No (Dr): write SOL+BO FSI code+N

Then click on searcher

You can see this account no in the account field


Account number with BO Will appear below

Now Click on that

Now Click on SUBMIT on the transaction page.

Funding will be done.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Procedure for Refund of SCSS Tax in DOP Finacle

If the customer presented the tax form(15G/15H) even though tax is deducted we have to refund the amount by using the menu HRFTDS.

Make sure that tax deducted is not uploaded in the income tax traces before refunding the amount to the customer by using the below procedure.

     HRFTDS means Refund TD

         Invoke the menu HRFTDS and enter the following fields

  1. Enter the field Report To as "postmaster"
  2. Enter the refund CIF if as __________
  3. Enter the From a/c id __________(SCSS account number)
  4. Enter the To a/c id _________(SCSS account number)
  5. Select Include closed a/c as "yes"
  6. Select Accrued TDS as "Yes"
  7. Select the Tran. Type as "transfer" avoid selecting cash if we select the cash then it will be blocked and there will problem at the time of EOD so select the transaction type as transfer as shown

Then click on "GO" then the system will show the tax deducted in the next enter the Refund a/c id as "postmaster id(SOLid+0340) or Customer SB account" as shown

Then finally click on submit and note that there is no verification for refund of TDS done for SCSS account by the above procedure.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Swacchata hi Seva by Refinery Para Durga Puja committee Digboi

Digboi,21st October : Like every year this year also REFINERY PARA DURGA PUJA committee has taken the initiative to clear the premises of the RPDP mandap and Ramlila Ground. It has been noticed that every year after the puja the area which is very populer for Ramlila and Refinery para Durga Puja got stucked under the load of waste materials wrappers and plastic wastes. 

It is also to be added that in the name of Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan many initiativs has been taken by the local authorities but still there is a lot to cover. Vice President of RPDPC Sri Bivash Mahanta quoted that cleansing of promises of Puja mandap is as important as the puja celebration and it has to be our second nature.

(Shreyanshi Bhattacharjee 3 years old with view to see her town clean. Facebook live link of her works

Sri Amitava Chowdhury (Jt Secretary,RPDPC) has shown concern over increasing use of plastics. He added that the plastic wastes found this year while cleaning is much more than that of last year. Sri Shubhankar Bhattacharjee (Jt Secretary,RPDPC) also shared the same concern and appeal in RPDP FACEBOOK live platform to stop the plastic use. It has been noticed that there is no presence of temporary dustbins in the Ramlila Ground and which is also a reason of untidiness of the area. RPDPC members requested local authorities over Facebook live to provide temporary dustbins during puja period so that the effort could be made to keep the area clean.

 RPDPC Facebook live link

Swacchata hi Seva. Hope to see you all in coming days to fight for cleanliness

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Employment News : 13-October To 19-October -2018

Employment News : 13-October To 19-October -2018


No.of Vacancies : 2000
Last Date :29.10.2018

No.of Vacancies : 85
Last Date :13.11.2018

Name Of Post : Professors, Additional Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors 
No.of Vacancies : 106
Last Date :26.10.2018

Name Of Post : Stipendiary Trainees 
No.of Vacancies : 122
Last Date :31.10.2018

Name Of Post : Chief Manager, Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager etc 
No.of Vacancies : 99
Last Date :25.10.2018

Name Of Post : Sports Persons against Sports Quota in East Coast Railway 
No.of Vacancies : 21
Last Date :29.10.2018

Name Of Post : Sports Persons against Sports Quota in East Coast Railway 
No.of Vacancies : 21
Last Date :29.10.2018

Name Of Post : Staff Nurse, Technician (CT Scan, MRI T and S Trainee) 
No.of Vacancies : 53
Last Date :12.12.2018

Problems regarding the operation of RICT in BOs - AIPEU-GDS CHQ letter to Directorate

AIPEU-GDS CHQ letter to Directorate : Problems regarding the operation of RICT in BOs

Cloth distribution by REFINERY PARA DURGA PUJA committee 2018

This year REFINERY PARA DURGA PUJA committee is planning to distribute clothes by the toddler members of the group.

The basic moto is to provide a helping hand to the needy ones and to recycle the clothes as well. With this the group wants to spread the message of humanity and charity through the future of the country

Friday, October 12, 2018

Cyclone TITLI may storms off the Durga Puja delight

GUWAHATI: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has informed that the severe cyclonic storm ‘Titli’ will reach Assam sometime between Friday and Monday.

The order has been issued as MET department has warned that heavy to very heavy rain is likely to occur at an isolated place in the State from Friday.
According to the Regional Meteorological Centre in Guwahati, the cyclone left the coast of West Bengal which will intensify in the next 12 hours and is likely to move northwestwards, thereafter it will re-curve to northeastwards and later to move towards Odisha.

Meanwhile, in the neighbouring state of Meghalaya, the administration on Thursday has alerted eleven districts to be on high alert in view of the cyclone ‘Titli’ during the Durga Puja.


Third phase agitational programme of GDS unions at all India level was conducted successfully on 10-10-2018 in the parliament street New Delhi . GDS leaders and members from all Circles attended. AIGDSU General secretary com S.S. mahavedaiah, NUGDS, general secretary com P.U. Muralidharan, AIPEU –GDS General Secretary com.P.Pandu ranga rao , AITUC General Secretary Com. Amarjit Kaur, seniur leaders from NFPE and FNPO attended and addressed the hunger fast.

Representatives from three Unions submitted memorandum to the Hon’ble Prime Mnister, the Hon’ble Communication Minister and to the Secretary Department of Post . At the end of the Hunger fast com. S.S. mahadevaiah announced the date of indefinite strike.

Com . P.U. Muralidharan extended his support and solidarity for indefinite strike.

Conducting of LDCE for Promotion to the cadre of IP [No Examination for Current Year]

Conducting of LDCE for Promotion to the cadre of IP [No Examination for Current Year]

Thursday, October 11, 2018


IPPB CBS Finacle Menu for Account Opening, Inquiry, Maintenance and Reports.

Instructions on Acceptance of Transactions for APS Accounts in CBS

APS accounts are migrated to CBS. POs may please be instructed to accept transactions for APS accounts in CBS.
Image result for army postal service
CNAC menu can be used to identify CBS account number using above 2 SOL IDs (1 CBPO or 2 CBPO).
90005600<SCHEME>SanchayPost acct number - 1 CBPO
90009900<SCHEME>SanchayPost acct number - 2 CBPO


The BPM will generate a High Value Withdrawal Request through device and will take a print copy of the request. The Request print copy alongwith SB-7 and Passbook will be sent to Account office for approval. The procedure to be followed by the Account office for such type of High Value Withdrawal is depicted below:
In Finacle the menu to be used for High Value Withdrawal approval is –EXCW. The approval of High Value Withdrawal will be done through Supervisor option in Finacle.

Old Pension Scheme to Railway Employees

Grant of Old Pension Scheme to Young Employees Working in Railways

The Railway Board replied to the President of Akhil Bhartiya Railway Mazdoor Sangathan on 6th September, 2018

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

Dated: 06.09.2018

Sh.Mangat Ram Saini,
National President,
Akhil Bharitya Railway Mazdoor Sangathan,
125/R, Ram Nagar,
Pathankot – 145001,
Mob: 9464000303

Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant of Old Pension to the Young Employees Working in the Railway

Please refer to your letter dated 12.07.2018 on the above cited subject.

2. In this regard it is stated that the decision to implement the National Pension System (NPS) w.e.f.01.01.2014 for all recruits, is of the Government of India. The Ministry of Railways being an administrative Ministry in respect of Pensionery matters is bound to adhere to the decision taken by the Nodal Department, i.e., Department of Financial Services (Ministry of Finance).

The Ministry of Raiways is not empowered to take any unilateral decision.

sd/-(G.Priya Sudarsani)
Diector, Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Productivity Linked Bonus for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2017-2018

40 Days Bonus For Defence Defence Civilians Of The AOC For The Year 2017-2018

No. 20(4)/2018/D(1CM)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 10/10/2018

The Chief of the Army Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2017-2018.

I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry’s letter No. F.24(6)/80/D(JCM), dated 28th September, 1983, as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of the President to the payment of 40 days (Forty days) wages in cash as PLO for the year 2017-2018 to the eligible civilian employees of the AOC.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2017-2018 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid 30 21 eligible Gp. 'B' (Non.Gazetted), Gp. 'C' & 'D' civilian employees of AOC who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2017-2018. The calculation coiling of Rs.7000/-(7000×40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/- p.m.(1200×40/30.4) for the accounting year 2017-2018. However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/- p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB Is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2018-2019, without any additionality.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their ID No 922249/E.III(A) dated 04/10/2018 and Defence (Finance /AG/PB) vide their Dy.No.155/AG/PB dated 10.10.2018.

Yours faithfully,

(Amitava Saha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Telefax: 2301 1681

India Post targets 10% share in parcel business segment

The postal department has set a target to more than double its market share in parcel business in next two years, Communications Minister Manoj Sinha said Tuesday.

“Approximately, we have 3-4 per cent share in parcel business. Private players offer effective service instantly while in government system people at small places are required to wait for decision of headquarter. Therefore, to take instant decision and to offer competitive service, we have created a separate parcel directorate and set target of achieving 10 per cent of this parcel business in coming 2 years,” Sinha said.

He was sharing status of works being done at the department on the eve of World Post Day.

In 2017-18, India Post handled 618 crore mail articles, 18 crore registered articles and 46 crore speed post articles.

According to a KPMG report, the e-commerce retail logistics market alone is valued at USD 1.35 billion in 2018, and is projected to witness a growth of around 36 per cent in the coming five years.

“Around 94-96 per cent people get articles delivered to them in time,” Sinha said.

Cabinet approves Productivity Linked Bonus for Railway employees

New Delhi, Oct 10 (UNI) The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days’ wages for the financial year 2017-18 for all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, announced that financial implication of payment of 78 days’ PLB to railway employees, excluding RPF/RPSF personnel, has been estimated to be Rs 2,044.31 crore. 
About 11.91 lakh non-gazetted Railway employees are likely to benefit from the decision, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said briefing reporters about the Cabinet decisions.The wage calculation ceiling prescribed for payment of PLB to the eligible non-gazetted railway employees is Rs 7,000 per month.

The maximum amount payable per eligible railway employee is Rs 17,951 for 78 days.The Productivity Linked Bonus on Railway covers all non-gazetted railway employees (excluding RPF/RPSF personnel) who are spread over the entire country. Payment of PLB to eligible railway employees is made each year before the Dusshera/ Puja holidays. 
The decision of the Cabinet shall be implemented before the holidays for this year as well. For the year 2017-18 PLB equivalent to 78 days’ wages will be paid which is expected to motivate the employees for working towards improving the performance of the Railways.

India Post Celebrates National Postal Week from 9th October to 15th October, 2018

National Postal Week Celebrations Begin Today

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Monday, September 17, 2018


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RICT SOP (Step by Step Process at Account Office or S.O) RICT CBS -Branch Office Transactions (i) New Account Opening at BOs throug...